Hi friends in this blog I m going to make you understand how to make a free website using blogger-
When you listen about someone who had created a website you also wonder how they are able to create thier own website and also make money with it so you also think to create a website .
There are many ways to create a website but I am telling you the simplest and best way to create a free website.Here are the steps to do so -
1)- Firstly ensure that you have a gmail account and login to it
2)- After login click on the tags of google apps on the right top corner of google home page and scroll to blogger icon like this one-
Click on this link- Click Here
3)- After clicking a new tab will open as shown below -
4)- Give a suitable title to your website with a cool address to it . for example - something01.blogspot.com
You are done,your website has been created with ease and ready to use.Now go and post something to it.
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When you listen about someone who had created a website you also wonder how they are able to create thier own website and also make money with it so you also think to create a website .
There are many ways to create a website but I am telling you the simplest and best way to create a free website.Here are the steps to do so -
1)- Firstly ensure that you have a gmail account and login to it
2)- After login click on the tags of google apps on the right top corner of google home page and scroll to blogger icon like this one-
Click on this link- Click Here
3)- After clicking a new tab will open as shown below -
4)- Give a suitable title to your website with a cool address to it . for example - something01.blogspot.com
You are done,your website has been created with ease and ready to use.Now go and post something to it.
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